Project Details
EVerest is a stack of several software packages designed to run on most LINUX distributions. It is made out of loosely coupled modules, orchestrated by the EVerest Dependency Manager (EDM). Each module provides a certain set of capabilities and will be launched by EDM. Communication is done via a local MQTT server. Which modules are offering certain features to whom of its neighboring modules is highly configurable and can be defined in module manifest files and a setup specific system configuration (both JSON).
This enables easy adjustment to specific local circumstances, for example, if different HW modules are used underneath. Or if a local solar installation needs adjusting on how the connectivity is established (addresses/protocols). Even if the local power supply is constrained and needs to be shared with other consumers (chargers), this can be adapted by using the EVerest framework.
EVerest is made to manage communication around energy between different players:
Car (EN IEC 61851, ISO 15118)
Local energy generation & batteries (Modbus, Sunspec)
Adjacent chargers (WIP)
Grid (including specific grid constraints)
Cloud backend / payment (OCPP 1.6)
User (interface)
EVerest is still a work in progress, so we are happy to receive your contribution. Let’s get in contact via our mailing list everest@lists.lfenergy.org.